Fear of Speaking: Should You Back Out?

kid-160097_640So you’re going to have to do a speech, but you really don’t want to. What do you do?

You could always back out, if it holds that much dread for you.

But how would that make everyone else feel? Wouldn’t you be letting the other speechmakers down? What about the bride / groom / your guests?

It’s good to push yourself once in a while. The musician H Jackson Browne once said:

“Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. That’s where all the fruit is.”

By stretching yourself, by doing this thing you wouldn’t normally do (and would rather not do), you could benefit in so many ways.

You’ve looked your fear in the face, and survived – that’s always a very satisfying thing to do.

You will be an absolute success. Think how great that’ll feel.

You may find out – like I did – that you really enjoy public speaking!

Trust me when I say that in many ways you have more to lose from giving in to your fear than not giving in.




Peter D Oxley
Pete Oxley is a freelance writer and business manager who lives in the English Home Counties. He enjoys reading and writing in a wide range of areas but his main passions are sci-fi, fantasy, historical fiction and Steampunk. Influences include HG Wells, Charles Dickens, Neil Gaiman, KW Jeter, Scott Lynch, Clive Barker and Joss Whedon. Author of the non-fiction book "The Wedding Speech Manual" and the historical fantasy series "The Infernal Aether". He lives with his wife, two young sons and a slowly growing guitar collection. Probably a masochist: aside from writing and willingly speaking in front of large crowds of strangers, Pete spends his spare time playing music badly and supporting football teams that play badly.

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